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New Graphic Pack - KBC REVIVAL Edition.

Hello everyone!

I'll be brief - for this season/quarter there's only one pack so far! But what a pack!

Yes! The KBC 2021 Style pack is already available on the website and will give you a feel of the atmosphere of the version with Amitabh Bachchan.

Of other changes:

USA 2020 - FFF results background updated, also added a money tree version for Shuffle and added Shuffle-format soundtracks.

Thanks to all! See you all again!

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STRFormat Graphics
STRFormat Graphics
Aug 15, 2022

A small addition - translations into Hindi and Marathi have been added to the site. एक छोटीशी भर - साईटवर हिंदी आणि मराठी भाषांतरे जोडली गेली आहेत. साइट में एक छोटा सा जोड़ - हिंदी और मराठी में अनुवाद जोड़े गए हैं।

Thank You!

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