Hello there!
I will write straight away that in an earlier post I stated the reason why I can't write like this very often, so briefly and quickly an update has come out:
- The control program has been moved to the .Net Core 6 platform, which will allow the use of future developments in the .Net platform, as well as the use of security improvements in the control.
To run the control, you must have the .Net Runtime Desktop 6.0.10 package installed.
- Added lines to the .resolution3 files for editing the steps of the animation of the output of the help plates of the hall and the timer for calling a friend / helping an expert.
For ATA:
AG Slide Step Interval|20 AG Slide Step Value|25 AG Slide Step Amount|32
PAF Timer
PA Slide Step Interval|20 PA Slide Step Value|25 PA Slide Step Amount|34
- Added rules for hiding lifeline lozengs when changing their number.
- Added checkbox "Execute" to control the automatic exclusion from the list of participants of the winner of the qualifying round.
- Fixed display of text changed through the editor of questions of the qualifying round
- Fixed display of question timer points by height.
- Added an input field for the number of seconds left in the timed game mode.
Changes in WPF structure: - Added animations for: qualifying round. Display animation of the question text, as well as a panel of the correct sequence and tables of results.

- Completely rewritten program. Implemented on the .Net Core 6/WPF platform.
- The list of rooms is updated automatically, if there is not a single room in the list, then there are no active rooms, or check your Internet connection.
- It is possible to use buttons to click on the answers, and there is also a panel with buttons.
And, I'm updating the packs gradually, but:
At a minimum - the "right side" animation will not be added to such packs as UK & France 2007-2014, UK 2018, USA 2020 and Vietnam 2021 due to the fact that PAF uses a "zoom out from the centre" exit and ATA uses a "fade in". The exception will be the paсk for the Azerbaijan edition, as PAF does use the timer fade-out animation on the right side.
In others the animation will be added and some of the packs have already been gradually updated. Now at the end of the file name will be marked for which versions they have been updated.
One more thing - it's still a thought, but as the site has been "dropping" for some time recently after updates to the posts, measures will be taken to unload it. Perhaps there will be separate copies for the individual versions, even possibly in different languages for each individual pack. But for now these are, as they say, "plans on paper".
Thank you all!